Over the past few months I've been selling a lot of refurbished and updated replacement Nexus 7 2012 16gb motherboards and hardly any 32gb motherboards. Now you may not think this is strange, if your 16gb motherboard gets hit by the deadline Android 5 upgrade lockout bug, then you'd naturally replace it with another 16gb board.
But its a really crazy thing to do.
The thing is, all the 8gb, 16gb and 32gb motherboards in the Nexus 7 2012 are plug and play slot and connector compatible. The only difference is the amount of RAM storage on the motherboard.
What this means is that if you 8gb, 16gb or 32gb motherboard dies or locks up, you can purchase one of my fully rested and updated 32gb motherboards and plug it in.
It isn't a difficult task if you are a suitably competent technical person, and to make thing even easier I have posted a whole list of 'How I Do It' videos on the fixed1t Nexus 7 Youtube playlist, the link is below:
Nexus 7 And Other Tablets Hardware Fixes Playlist - by #fixed1tNexus7repair
The difference in price between the 16gb and the 32gb motherboard is marginal and if you are opening the tablet it makes sense to upgrade at the same time, doesn't it?
I sell a range of replacement, reconditioned, Nexus 7 parts on my fixed1t eBay pages, the link is below.
Click Here To Find The fixed1t Nexus 7 2012 Parts On eBay
Thanks for reading.